Dining Etiquette Masterclass

East meets West: A cross-cultural skill and awareness training for expats

We invite expats and members of the international community to a unique virtual masterclass experience where East meets West: a cross-cultural skill and awareness training via Zoom over five 90-minute sessions starting November 24th. You will have the opportunity to socialize among like-minded individuals and gain the tools and confidence you need to feel at home about modern manners and etiquette in different dining scenarios and on dates.

You can register and pay here.

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. Take this season to develop yourself and build the self-confidence you deserve to socialize and connect with others in the international community in Istanbul (or wherever you find yourself). Our dining etiquette masterclass is designed to equip you to thrive in an array of social dining settings. Zoom is a great platform for us to safely gather during this pandemic period.  Get ready for an intense yet fun experience with two professional etiquette trainers. 

This is a boutique masterclass, so make sure to reserve your spot soon! 

Topics include:

  • History of etiquette 
  • East meets West – cultural awareness
  • The invitation
  • The art of dressing up or down for the occasion
  • Arriving at the venue and making a great first impression
  • Proper introductions
  • The art small talk
  • Your role as the host/hostess
  • Who sits where?
  • Rules at the table and table manners
  • Proper place settings and use of utensils
  • Dealing with the waitstaff
  • Eating difficult foods and overcoming insecurities
  • Basics of wining and dining 
  • Respect and courtesy
  • A proper thank you note

Cross-cultural Skill and Awareness Training

Masterclass Structure

5 sessions @ 90 minutes each, 10:30 – 12:00 Istanbul GMT+3, including lots of practice:

  • November 24
  • December 1
  • December 3
  • December 8
  • December 15

The lessons will be a beautiful mix between theory and practical application. For some sessions there will be preparation needed on your part – for example we might need a soup, a fish, and we’ll each lay our own table setting with plates and utensils. We’ve found a way to make this fun and interactive online and had great feedback from our previous class. 

Note that we would love if the pandemic allows us to go out to an upscale restaurant at the end of the course to socialize and practice our newly learned social and dining skills in a real-life scenario. This would be so much fun! We will announce the price for this additional outing if the pandemic conditions allow. 

At the conclusion of the course, all participants will receive a certificate.


Dining Etiquette Masterclass is 450€ per participant (90€ per session)

Special promotion: If you sign up with a friend or partner, you both will receive the promotional price of 400€ per participant (80€ per session).

Note: Any expenses such as the food you will prepare/order for the practical dining session are additional and not included in this cost.  

'Gain the confidence, socialize, and feel at home in our international community.'

Register Today! 

The deadline for enrollment is Wednesday, November 18th. 

Your spot is reserved once you complete the registration and make the payment.
You can register and pay here.

If you want to reach out to us with any inquiries please use this form.

Your Master Class Trainers

Margrit Hunsmann

Chrissy Ramski Güleç

Chrissy Ramski Güleç

Chrissy Güleç is a personal style and etiquette expert born and raised in the heart of the United States. She found her calling in dynamic and diverse cities like New York City and, Istanbul, Turkey, her current home. She is certified by StyleColor Türkiye, a division of Germany’s Gutshof TYP Akademie, in the areas of color, style, image and etiquette.

She has cemented herself as a community leader in Istanbul’s local and international communities through her personal style consulting business Chrissy Güleç Style, which she founded in 2012. Through her work, she assists others to rise to their highest potential alongside their own personal style and image journey. She coaches others how to live an authentic life in harmony with who they really are, inspiring change through self-discovery from the inside out.

Chrissy spent a decade in Manhattan wining and dining, where her love of etiquette was born. Now, from her home base of Istanbul, she is well integrated in the expat community as an etiquette trainer and incorporates this training to coach men, women and youth to grow their cross-cultural skills, get connected with each other, and to live confidently in style. The confidence and clarity she gives her clients in modern manners and etiquette teachings motivates her to keep expanding her services.

She also links the Turkish and expat communities through her legendary style swap parties, supporting the sustainable fashion initiative, and in support of the body positive movement.

Margrit Hunsmann

is the director of the STYLE Color Academy Eurasia, a branch of the Gutshof Akademie, the German market leader in the field of etiquette, modern manners and image education.  

Margrit is an expert and master trainer in the field of etiquette, style and image and is working as a freelancing image consultant and life coach, both in Turkey and Europe. 

She is German, married to Mark for 29 years, their 3 adult children are 23-27 years old. They raised their kids in Germany, Austria, Australia, Thailand and England and are at home in Turkey for more than 19 years. 

Margrit’s passion is to help people in discovering their potential and lead them in their self-development process. She is a cultural coach and led an international TCK (Third Culture Kids) youth group for over 3 years – while being very involved in raising her kids in a cross-cultural setting.

The 5 Hunsmanns have humor, they even trained their dog, a Golden Retriever named Louis, in dog etiquette when sitting and waiting for his food or closing the door.